You can find more updated information about me at my new website
The site has pretty much the same purpose as this site... a place to store any information I may find or write.
Hope to see you there!
Wow, it's been a while. but it's been for a good reason, I've gotten a better job and I've been nothing but busy... hopefully I'll be redesigning the site sometime in the near future.
Nothing on the site is updated... the portfolio, the resume... I've learned and done so much in the past 2 or 3 months that those things are way outdated... so if you have any questions... just Email Me
I have found what may be the best tool that I will be using in the near future...it's called
HTML Notes. It's basically Notepad on crack. It features HTML syntax highlighting and the ability to make predefined text "Buttons" that paste a predefined snippet of text into the page. This can be useful for those endless tables, or Form input fields that can be such a pain in the ass.
One thing HTML notes is Not, is a WYSIWYG drag and drop editor. You still must actually type the HTML, it just makes that job so much easier. Keep in mind, I'm not bashing WYSIWYG editors because they can also make certain (tables) jobs easier...but you must always be able to bring up notepad and get the job done.
I wish that the freeservers would hurry up and decide what they're gonna be doing with their stupid banner at the top...they've changed it like 3 times in the past 2 weeks...oh well, I guess that only affected those of us with DHTML in our site.
Someone Buy something.
Test E-Commerce Web site is coming along quite nicely with a fully featured
Admin area which allows you to add and update items from your web browser...this is all done using ASP to connect to an ACCESS database...good stuff
Well, I haven't had time to work on my html tutorial because I've been working on
another project.
also found a new toy.
Milkshape 3d is a 3d modeler that is extremely easy to use and can be used to make all kinds of Quake models. check it out.
I finally got the shopping cart integrated with my other web site [
http://www.scifiencounters.com]. It was a simple matter of working out a couple of bugs in the original
Cookie buggy so that I wouldn't get
unterminated string constant errors when I put it into the ASP page.
All in all I think that the site is really gonna get good once I begin to accept online credit cards.
I've been working on a basic
HTML tutorial...still in the works though.
Just signed up for
Dialpad.com. I didn't think that it would work well on my ancient P2 166 mhz computer with a 56k modem...but it's very clear when you talk to other people. I give it 2 thumbs up.
I also became an affiliate so they gave me the cut-n-paste code, and now you can open the Dialpad dialer right here from my web page...pretty cool if you ask me.
Got a couple more
Also on Ewebcity...I've created a
messageboard script that will post messages to a database and display all posts. pretty cool I think...check it out.
Update: just got my first certification.
If you want to see my trascript and other details of the certification...you can get there from my
Resume by clicking on the certification.
I've uploaded the
color swatch page that I snagged from the 5k contest...I don't remember who made it, and I don't remember the URL for it. Yes I did take it and if I remembered who made it I would give them credit.
This is a really useful page for getting the look and feel of how a color scheme will look so go ahead and try it and maybe the web will start looking a little better.
Be sure to check out the
cookie buggy, as it's been revamped to handle the cookie values a lot more efficiently...
the problem that I had when I tried to port it over to
scifiencounters.com was that the ASP that is used on the page was adding items to the cookie...thus messing up my ability to extract the info that I wanted from that. Now any time that information is taken or added to the cookie...I get what I want using several string methods provided by javascript.
First I use
string.indexOf("value") to get the begining of my info...then I use
string.lastIndexOf("value") to get the end. then to put it all together I use
string.substring(first_var , last_var) to get only the information I need.
If this all sounds like gibberish to you...oh well. as I've said before this is mostly here for my reference in the future so I don't forget what I've already done (copy/paste)
if for some reason you'd like to see a more thorough explanation of this, just Email me and I'll post a Tutorial or something.
Well, I think I've done well with this new color scheme...I used a page that I found on a
5K contest page. this is cool because you can see exactly how a certain palette will look together before you have to chop any code.
Hello And welcome to my page of html and javascript snippets. This page is mostly here for my own help so I can refer back to it at later times, but hopefully someone else will find something useful here someday.
One thing of note...This front page isn't one that's made in a conventional fashion...it's actually using layers. One of the hardest things about making the script to change out layers was the fact that
Netscape and
Internet Explorer handle things so much differently. I used an extremely usefule script that I got a
Long time ago from
The DynDuo, an extremely awesome DHTML resource.
It's as follows
ns = (document.layers)? true:false
ie = (document.all)? true:false
This checks for the Document.layers or Document.all property and then assigns two variables (ns & ie) a true or false value...What you then do is whenever you need to manipulate layers you just make an If Statement that says
If (ie) {
Internet Explorer code
Else {
Netscape Code
This allows you to create dynamic content no matter what browser is being used.
Found a great resource if your gonna be trying to upload files to the web server...you can find it
here at asptoday.com
Then that way you don't have to use some stupid 3rd party upload component.
Got the
messageboard working better. Now it's possible to actually respond to messages and have the number of responses show up.
been picking up some tips on ASP coding on 4guysfromrolla.com. Always remember to put response.buffer = true at the top of the page so that the server doesn't have to send HTML to the browser while it's processing any scripts. This will reduce server overhead and make the script process faster. good for large database queries.
Also remember to code in such a way that you can encapsulate the code into an Include file to be reused over and over again such as the Database connection:
Dim Conn
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=e:siteswww5starwars1781dbmessage.mdb")
After that you can save that snippet in it's own file [connection.asp or whatever] and use this whenever you need to connect to a database:
<!--#include file="connection.asp"-->
I've changed tactics for my Ewebcity account...now I've added a
messageboard. Keep in mind that the ewebcity servers are extremely volatile and are probably gonna be busy, or unavailable, but you can give it a try.
I am quite proud of the messageboard...considering that I put approximately 6 hours of work into it (at the time of this writing) and it's already pretty functional. so make me feel cool and check it out.
This is the site on
http://www.ewebcity.com that I'm working on...I'll be using it to test my SQL and databasing skills. Eventually I'm gonna make an app. that can act as an employee database and the employee can clock in and out and things of the such.
keep in mind that ewebcity servers are crap...they are constantly down, and for some reason when I make a script and view it from the "admin" area it works, but when you try to access it from the "outside" you get all kinds of ASP errors.
Oh well.
What I have
Here is basically someone else's site that I saw as a good resource. I knew that I would never again visit that site, thus losing this resource, so I just clicked
View Source and pulled a good old copy/paste into this site (which is the reason for the broken link at the top)...So I'm not claiming that I wrote all that stuff and if I remembered the name of the site I'd give them credit...but I don't so live with it.